Stainless Construction. Custom designed to fit with Fixed Pens.
Overall Length to fit along front of a section of Pen. To be determined during design.
6.0 Square Feet Cages to be used.
Divided into 2 separate cages with dividers.
Cages will have Squeeze Backs with adjustable latching rods when pulled forward.
Connecting side snouts to jump animals into cages.
Side Snouts will have slide doors to open and close access to cage/Pen.
Linear Rod Perching in each cage.
Card Holders provided like all previous cages.
Water Bottle Holders will be used. Included in price.
Each Cage contains a Horizontal Sliding Animal Door and Transfer Box Rod.
Dividers between each cage. (2 provided)
Cages elevated off the ground so cages are at comfortable working height with Pen Doors.
Pad Lock Assembly included on all cage doors.
Horizontal Cage Doors provided.
Add Lexan Plastic Panels to Tops of Cages to prevent animals reaching into Cages.
Caster Base Frame designed to provide stability and prevent tipping.
Supported on SS Casters with heavy duty locks.
A mechanism to attach Cage Unit to Pens provided. (for stability)
Bead Blasted to a matte finish.
Two-Over-Two Unit Catalog #50904