One-Over-One racks will have maximum height of 83-3/4”, integral 6.2 Sq. Ft. cages.
Both the top & bottom cages will have an interior height of 32” and 36” minimum.
Each cage includes a latching squeeze system and self storing pairing panels on each side of each cage.
Each cage has a solid pairing (divider) panel on the left side and a visual (perforated) panel and a grooming divider on the right side.
The racks pair from both sides providing three stages of socialization prior to opening the panels between adjoining racks. The pairing panels are operated by push-pull hinged handles that can be locked in the open or closed position.
A fixed sloping wet waste pan is located under each of the cages. The upper pan slopes toward an enclosed trough at the rear that directs the waste to a center vertical waste pipe that controls the waste to the floor trough. The lower waste pan drains directly to the floor trough.
Water valves are provided in the pre-piped water system.
Each cage has a horizontal sliding animal door, opening for food, transfer box rod, cage card holder and cantilever style perch.
The racks can be paired on each side. A pairing system and a wall lock latch and release system secures the racks to the wall as well as at the front and rear of each rack.
The integral rack and cage unit is supported on a caster base frame with 4” diameter caster with heavy duty caster frames, phenolic wheels suitable for a 275 F autoclave.
Provisions are provided for a removable (future) dry waste pan to be inserted below each cage, top & bottom.
One-Over-One Socialization Rack
Catalog #38037 - 6.2sf