Fixed Modular Pen Catalog #53936
Modular Fixed Pens that allow Horizontal Pairing between Pens.
Provides upper area in Pen for enrichment and perching.
Overall size of Pen is ~97” Wide x 83” Deep x 103” Tall. TBD
Designed to fit existing space. Coordinate a site visit to accurately measure all rooms.
All metal components are #304 Stainless Steel.
Polished Latches provided. (Latches not to be bead blasted with Unit)
Man Door provided, hinged and has heavy duty latching mechanism.
Man Door has ~2” x 5” wire configurations using ¼” diameter SS Rod.
The primary frame members are fabricated of 1” x 1” SS Box Tube.
Cage Walls and ceiling are modular and connect to one another.
Wire mesh panels provided on front of Pen and Veranda.
Utilizing back wall of room for Pens. (optional rear wall can be provided)
Ceiling Panels are 1” x 1” Box tube frame with Wire Mesh Panels.
Horizontal Socialization Dividers included on each Pen, 2 on each side.
Grooming Contact and Solid Divider Panels provided.
Some Dividers will be made of Thermal Neutral Material.
Sides of Pens will have thermal neutral plastic panels of various colors.
Side Grooming Contact Dividers will be 1” x 1” SS Wire Panels.
Center of Pen will have a sliding Pairing Door to access other side of Pen and allow animals to pass to and from each Pen when Social Housed.
Various Thermal Neutral Perches positioned strategically inside the Pens.
Internal Tunnel Area provided for animals to get to and from One-Over-One.
Front of Cage area is ~2” x 5” Wire Pattern to keep the continuity of the look of Pen.
Waterlines for each Pen will have various drinking valves positioned inside complete with Quick disconnects and Drains provided. (Use of current waterlines TBD)