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Fixed Modular Pen Catalog #53936

  • Modular Fixed Pens that allow Horizontal Pairing between Pens.

  • Provides upper area in Pen for enrichment and perching.

  • Overall size of Pen is ~97” Wide x 83” Deep x 103” Tall. TBD

  • Designed to fit existing space. Coordinate a site visit to accurately measure all rooms.

  • All metal components are #304 Stainless Steel.

  • Polished Latches provided. (Latches not to be bead blasted with Unit)

  • Man Door provided, hinged and has heavy duty latching mechanism.

  • Man Door has ~2” x 5” wire configurations using ¼” diameter SS Rod.

  • The primary frame members are fabricated of 1” x 1” SS Box Tube.

  • Cage Walls and ceiling are modular and connect to one another.

  • Wire mesh panels provided on front of Pen and Veranda. 

  • Utilizing back wall of room for Pens. (optional rear wall can be provided)

  • Ceiling Panels are 1” x 1” Box tube frame with Wire Mesh Panels.

  • Horizontal Socialization Dividers included on each Pen, 2 on each side. 

  • Grooming Contact and Solid Divider Panels provided.

  • Some Dividers will be made of Thermal Neutral Material.

  • Sides of Pens will have thermal neutral plastic panels of various colors.

  • Side Grooming Contact Dividers will be 1” x 1” SS Wire Panels.

  • Center of Pen will have a sliding Pairing Door to access other side of Pen and allow animals to pass to and from each Pen when Social Housed.

  • Various Thermal Neutral Perches positioned strategically inside the Pens.

  • Internal Tunnel Area provided for animals to get to and from One-Over-One.

  • Front of Cage area is ~2” x 5” Wire Pattern to keep the continuity of the look of Pen.

  • Waterlines for each Pen will have various drinking valves positioned inside complete with Quick disconnects and Drains provided. (Use of current waterlines TBD)

E Pen 1.jpg
E Pen 2.jpg

Image Gallery #53936 Click on any image to see its full view

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