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Metabolism Pan Cartridge
Catalog # 48016
Designed to fit existing Socialization Racks with Removable Telescoping Floors.
Same footprint as Removable Telescoping Floor Cartridges.
Size of Cartridge is 29-1/4” wide x 31-3/4” long x 5-3/4” tall.
Full 1” x 1” Wire Panel Floor provided.
Seaboard bearing surface to slide into mid-section of Rack. (like floor cartridges)
1/8” SS Formed Channel Frame work. (like floor cartridges)
A 16ga. SS Metabolism Waste Pan provided, sloped to the front of the cartridge.
A center drain provided at front of Metabolism Pan for point of collection.
All sharp edges removed and cartridge is bead blasted to a matte finish.

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