Catalog # 38587
- The Bio Containment module allows the housing of NHP's in a microbiological environment that can operate at a BSL-3 level using facility air handling equipment. Fan boxes can be provided, keeping the module independent from surrounding units or facility air handling equipment.
- All doors and openings have mechanical devices for seal compression.
- Room air is drawn into the cage through a HEPA filter on the front door.
- Two removable fan modules filter cage air before being exhausted back into the room. Fan modules are equipped with adjustable fan speeds. They will accommodate the optional Battery Backup.
- All doors and windows are made from tempered glass.
- Top Chamber can be removed so entire unit can be cleaned in smaller autoclaves.
- Spring loaded handle with a locking mechanism secures top chamber to bottom chamber.
- Hooks located on all four corners of top chamber allow a hoist to be attached and to lift off of bottom chamber.
- Top chamber comes with separate caster base frame.
- Chambers and cages can be made to accommodate several species of animals. Various sizes are available.
Cage Specifications:
Chambers shown house a 4.3 Ft.2 cage
All Stainless Steel and Tempered Glass Material
Suitable for 250F Autoclave
Stackable Bio Containment

- Spring loaded handle with a locking mechanism secures top chamber to bottom chamber.
- Hooks located on all four corners of top chamber allow a hoist to be attached and to lift off of bottom chamber.